
  • CentOS 7.x / 8.x (Beta) or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or Ubuntu 14.04 / 16.04 / 18.04 / 20.04 or AlmaLinux 8.x
  • yum / apt-get
  • Storage to create the VPS (DomUs) disks


Partition Scheme

Partition Size Description
/ 80-100 GB Root partition containing all Hardware Node operating system files, OS templates and ISOs
SWAP 4 GB + Paging partition for the Linux operating system(Swap memory is been used by virtual servers if there is shortage of real memory)
Storage All the remaining space on the hard disk This partition can be used to create either Logical Volumes or File Based Storage for the VPS (DomUs).
NOTE for LVM : You must NOT create any Logical Volume and MOUNT it. This must be an EMPTY VOLUME GROUP.
Virtualizor will not delete any pre-existing LVs in the Volume Group. But its recommended to have an empty Volume Group.

NOTE for File Storage : You must create and mount the folder.


Supported storage types

( LVM | File | Thin LVM | ZFS | ZFS Thin | ZFS Compressed | ZFS Thin Compressed | Ceph Block Device )



Open a Shell Terminal (e.g. PuTTY) and SSH to your server. Run the following commands:

wget -N 
chmod 0755 
./ [email protected] kernel=kvm lvg=vg


Installation Parameters

  • email – The Admin Email Address
  • kernel – In this case its kvm . If you wanana xen , write xen
  • noos – If you don’t want to download the DomU operating system for the DomU then please add noos=true as a parameter
  • beta – If there is a newer version of Virtualizor available and you would like to test it then please add beta=true as a parameter
  • nested_virt – If you want to enable Nested Virtualization on your server then please add nested_virt=1 as a parameter. If you enable this, it will install a new kernel for enabling nested virtualization.
  • lvg (optional) – If you are going to use LVM for the VPS storage. The Volume Group that will be used for the DomU (VPS) storage e.g. defaults to vg. It should have some OR ALL unallocated space to create LVMs for the VPS.
  • interface – You can specify the default interface that you want to set. If not provided it will be considered as eth0.


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